Info och dispositioner om orglarna som medverkar i årets festival! (På engelska)
Stockholms Stadshus

The organ of Stockholm City Hall counts as the largest in Scandinavia with its 10,000 pipes, spread over 134 stops and five manuals. The instrument was originally built by the German firm Walcker in 1925, and has been been enlarged and renovated since then, most recently by the British firm Harrison & Harrison in 2008. The echo division alone has 25 stops, and the organ as a whole boasts a unique wealth of sonorities, ranging from the ethereal to the full glory of its tutti, crowned by an English tuba. (photo: Yanan Li)
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Skandia biograforgeln

The organ of the former Skandia cinema is one of only two remaining cinema organs in Sweden. It is built by the famous Wurlitzer company in the US, and was erected in Stockholm’s Skandia cinema in 1926. This instrument is an organ with both pipes and a battery of different sound effects: birdsong, steam whistle, bells, glockenspiel, cathedral chimes, and xylophone among others. The organ has two manuals and pedal with 7 rows of pipes that have been made into more than 40 stops. The organ has been restored recently, and is now installed in the Reactor Hall of The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Information in Swedish
S:t Jacobs kyrka

St. Jacob’s church, close to the Opera house, was founded in 1588. The organ is unique in its historic continuity. It incorporates substantial pipework from all the different organs that have successively been speaking through the impressive façade from 1746. The present organ was built in 1976 by the Danish organ builder Marcussen & Søn With its 83 stops, it counts among the largest neo-symphonic instruments in Sweden.

Oscar’s church has neogothic style and was consecrated in 1903. The organ, dating from 1949, was built by the Danish organ builder Marcussen & Søn. Its creation ushered in a new epoch in Swedish organbuilding, the Organ Reform Movement. It is one of the most famous instruments in Sweden and comprises 78 stops on 4 manuals and pedal.

Immanuel’s church was consecrated in 1974 and replaced the previous church from 1886 at the same location. The organ is built 1975 by the Swedish organ builder Grönlunds, Gammelstad. It has a fully mechanical action and contains 38 stops distributed on three manuals and pedal.
The organ has a computerized combination system (presets) with many thousands of combinations. There is also a carillon with 18 bronze bells. All facade pipes are sounding and here you can especially see the pedal’s magnificent Principal 16 ′ at the top as well as the horizontal Spanish trumpet 8 ′ in the Hauptwerk.
The organ cabinet is designed and colored in collaboration between organ builder Gustaf Grönlund, interior designer Sture Andersson and artist Pär Andersson.
Finska kyrkan

The organ, originally built in 1790 by the famous organ builder Olof Schwan in Stockholm, has a gray-painted facade
with tight decor and ribbed fields. It is the only 18th century Schwan organ in Stockholm as stands in its original place. Over the years, the organ have been rebuilt and in 1945 it was changed dramatically, but the facade preserved. 1990–91 Åkerman & Lund Orgelbyggeri restored the organ to it’s original condition and the bellows were reconstructed. The organ has 12 stops.
S:t Maria Magdalena kyrka – Åkerman & Lundorgeln

The facade of the large organ from 1774 is designed by the superintendent Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz. The two portrait medallions depict King Adolf Fredrik and his queen Lovisa Ulrika. The current organ were built in 1927 but contain pipe material from an older instrument. It comprises 50 stops distributed on three manuals and pedal. It’s one of Swedens best preserved late-romantic organs.
S:t Maria Magdalena kyrka – Franska barockorgeln

The organ in the southern gallery from 1986 is built according to the principles of the French baroque organ and tuned in so-called non-equal temperature, which means that it sounds different from modern instruments. The organ has 30 stops, with three manuals and a pedal. Built 1986 by Magnussons Orgelbyggeri.
Hedvig Eleonora kyrka

Hedvig Eleonora’s church organ was built originally by Grönlunds in 1976 and contains 58 stops. But several stops is pipes from older organs. The facade is Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz from 1762. In 2018 the organ was extended with a digital organ from Allen, USA, and now with a console in the nave, the organ have now over 200 stops.
S:t Matteus kyrka

The organ was built 1971-1972 by Marcussen & Søns organ building, Aabenraa, Denmark.
It has 53 stops, together about 4500 sounding pipes.
The action and registry are mechanical, and swellings are found on both the brustwerk and swell.
The organ also has a so-called Barker machine that can be put into operation by the couplers from the hauptwerk.
Range: manuals C-a3, pedal C-f1
A new combination system was installed in the autumn of 2017 by Åkerman & Lund.
A renovation was carried out in the autumn and winter of 2018-2019 by Åkerman & Lund.
A principal 16´ in the hauptwerk has been added, and in addition has some redistribution and re-intonation has taken place. (photo: Ola Nærdal Svensson)
More information, in swedish:
More information and GPS coordinates to the City Hall here:–do/Attractions/The-City-Hall/
GPS coordinates to the churches: